
Rosemary Essential Oil - 10ml

Rosemary Essential Oil - 10ml
Rosemary Essential Oil - 10ml
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Rosemary Essential Oil - 10ml

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Rosemary carries the energy of a stern teacher. Although it is an herb of the sun, it is not bright and sunny, but rather, serves as a constant reminder of our highest consciousness and conscience. Rosemary is a herb of memory and so it has become associated with all the things and people we want to keep alive and dear in our hearts. It is an herb of love, though it is anything but erotic. Rather, it is a reminder of the bond between the souls, the special spirit tie that is so easily forgotten amidst the ups and downs of day to day life. It is also a funerary herb, thrown on the grave as a last assurance that the soul of the departed will never be forgotten. More mundanely, Rosemary also helps students with their studies, or old people with their fading memories. In medieval times it was one of the most important herbs of the still room and it was extensively used in dozens of cosmetic or remedial preparations. Rosemary is a Mediterranean herb that likes to be kissed by the Sea - although it does not have to 'see' the sea, it never grows far from it in the wild. The leathery, scented leaves look more like evergreen needles than leaves. Early in spring (in France as early as January) the shrubby bushes become laden with flowers that are very popular with bees. Although not the most lovely smelling essential oil, it is invaluable for its therapeutic effect, particularly with regards to many of our modern 'civilisation' diseases.

Rosemary is stimulating and acts particularly well on the peripheral circulation and blood supply to the head. It can be used to stimulate the senses and to 'oil' the memory and brain function. It can be helpful for headaches, especially when these are due to overwork. Rosemary is also good for all kinds of muscle aches and rheumatic pains, gout, neuralgia and similar. It stimulates the heart and can be used as an inhalant for respiratory complaints. It is an excellent oil for civilisation diseases such as 'manager disease', stress related conditions and mental or nervous exhaustion and fatigue. It can be used in aromatherapy skin care as a toning agent and for hair care products to check dandruff and loss of hair. Caution: Not recommended during first 4 months of pregnancy or if suffering from high blood pressure.

Rosemary has a long and intricate history as a magical herb. It is strongly protective and purifying, warding off evil influences and witches and cleansing the atmosphere of bad energies. It has been used to burn in sick-rooms to and can be used in healing rituals to help to dispel the demons of disease. It can protect against bad dreams and all manner of evil influences. Rosemary can support the student by helping him or her memorise the teachings and to concentrate on the work. It is used at funerals to keep the memory of the departed alive. At weddings it is used to remember the timeless bond of the souls and the love that has brought the couple together. Rosemary gives vigour, strength, courage and mental clarity.

An herbaceous, slightly camphor-like, woody scent. Blends well with Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender, Citronella, Bergamot, Marjoram, Thyme, Pine, Basil, Peppermint, Elemi, Cedarwood, Petitgrain, Juniper and Peppermint.



Who are we?

White Witch is a wonderful emporium of Pagan and Witchcraft gifts and essentials, established in 1999 by Debbie, they operate from their 500 year old shop in Waltham Abbey, Essex and is staffed by friendly Witches. 

We hold in stock a large range of  Pagan altar figures of the God and Goddess in their many forms, the Green Man, a large selection of Witches' tools, including Witches' cauldrons, Witches' wands, Witches' athames, Witches' robes and cloaks, Witches' Books of Shadows, Witches' spells and magic ingredients and all things witchy and wonderful!

We also have an extensive range of crystals - from large geodes to tumblestones, lots of pagan jewellery, candles, herbs, tarot cards, herbal teas and more.

Our online shop is a digital window into our magickal store and we hope you'll find what you're looking for. If you need any extra help or advice, then please call or visit us instore at Waltham Abbey (Essex) where we will be only too happy to welcome you with a  cup of  tea and a smile.

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Brief History Paganism: 

Paganism represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices.  Paganism is not a traditional religion per se because it does not have any official doctrine, but it does have some common characteristics joining the great variety of traditions. One of the common beliefs is the divine presence in nature and the reverence of the natural order in life. Spiritual growth is related to the cycles of the Earth and great emphasis is placed on ecological concerns. Monotheism is almost universally rejected within Paga

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