
Spiritual Power of Masks

Spiritual Power of Masks
Spiritual Power of Masks
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Spiritual Power of Masks

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Explores ancient mask customs, rituals, and traditions throughout Europe, from Scandinavia and England to Germany and France to Greece and Rome
There is a spiritual power in masks that transports one into realms unseen and gives voice to things unspoken. Within the context of ritual, putting on a mask places the wearer at the intersection between the present and the past, the living and the dead, this world and the Otherworld. Masks make it possible to activate ancient archetypes, with the mask wearer reanimating or personifying an ancestral presence or spirit, a deity or power, an animal or a being of the eldritch world.

In this illustrated study, Nigel Pennick explores the magical and spiritual aspects of mask wearing from ancient times to the present. He examines the many mask traditions around Europe, including morris dancers and mummers in the UK, Krampuslauf and Perchtenlauf in Germanic areas, the Gorgon myths of Greece, and Norse Berserker rituals. He explains how, in the Black Forest region, there’s an annual rite in springtime called “Awakening the Masks,” and he looks at the origins of the Italian Commedia dell’Arte Harlequin character often seen in carnival celebrations.

The author shows how mask rituals are similar to shamanic journeying and near-death experiences and can induce ecstatic states that allow the power signified by the mask to take possession of the individual wearing it. He looks at the practice of dressing up as sacred animals such as a horse or a dragon and the ancient practice of hunters wearing animal skins to signify success and prowess. He also looks at mask-wearing as it relates to ostenta, events that occur suddenly and without warning that are considered a token or sign from the Otherworld.

Unveiling the sacred power of masks, the author shows how masks allow us to outwardly reflect our inner spiritual reality, embody ancestors and otherworldly entities, and connect with traditions that stretch back to time immemorial.



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White Witch is a wonderful emporium of Pagan and Witchcraft gifts and essentials, established in 1999 by Debbie, they operate from their 500 year old shop in Waltham Abbey, Essex and is staffed by friendly Witches. 

We hold in stock a large range of  Pagan altar figures of the God and Goddess in their many forms, the Green Man, a large selection of Witches' tools, including Witches' cauldrons, Witches' wands, Witches' athames, Witches' robes and cloaks, Witches' Books of Shadows, Witches' spells and magic ingredients and all things witchy and wonderful!

We also have an extensive range of crystals - from large geodes to tumblestones, lots of pagan jewellery, candles, herbs, tarot cards, herbal teas and more.

Our online shop is a digital window into our magickal store and we hope you'll find what you're looking for. If you need any extra help or advice, then please call or visit us instore at Waltham Abbey (Essex) where we will be only too happy to welcome you with a  cup of  tea and a smile.

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Brief History Paganism: 

Paganism represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices.  Paganism is not a traditional religion per se because it does not have any official doctrine, but it does have some common characteristics joining the great variety of traditions. One of the common beliefs is the divine presence in nature and the reverence of the natural order in life. Spiritual growth is related to the cycles of the Earth and great emphasis is placed on ecological concerns. Monotheism is almost universally rejected within Paganism and most Pagan traditions are particularly interested in the revival of ancient polytheist religious traditions including the Norse (northern Europe) and Celtic (Britain) traditions. Many Pagan traditions are intentionally reconstructionist in that they aim to revive many of the lost rituals of the ancient traditions, including holy days and seasonal celebrations. Besides Nature, many Pagans also worship a variety of gods and goddesses, including spirits which can represent national and local heroes.  Many Pagans try to honor their ancestry and ancestors. Some Pagan traditions include ritual magic, but this practice is not universal.

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