
Wassail Bowl - Three Handled

Wassail Bowl - Three Handled
Wassail Bowl - Three Handled
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Wassail Bowl - Three Handled

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"Wassail!" a drinking salutation from Pagan Europe was part of the English language before 1066. But what is the custom of "Wassailing"?

We trace its development from Medieval origins, when the Norse "Waes Hael!" ("Be healthy!") rang through courtly celebrations of the Twelve Days of Christmas, using ornate Wassail Bowls brimming with spiced drinks. From this came visiting and begging customs blessing houses and people, farms, animals and crops, and the ‘apple tree wassailing’ we know today.

By the mid twentieth century wassailing had declined and nearly vanished. Then a handful of ‘Wassail’ songs led folk enthusiasts to reawaken the ancient custom, researching it and with cider enthusiasts returning it to its heartlands of Devon & Somerset; Herefordshire, Gloucestershire & Worcestershire and Kent & Sussex. Since the millennium, ecology and sustainable food ideas have led to community orchards springing up, making wassailing part of their annual tree management cycle, until it has blossomed even in our cities, becoming widespread, with over 200 Wassails in 2013 and many more private ceremonies.

Wassails have a central core of activity based on the past, to spiritually encourage the trees to produce more fruit. This includes noise, processions, gifts to the trees and much drinking. Everyone does it differently, adapting the old ways with camaraderie and good fellowship.

Ths fabulous, large, three handled Wassail Bowl is 5 inches tall (12,5cms) and 5 inches wide, with three sturdy handles and is beautifully decorated with apples and the word 'Wassail' on the front, with further decoration of two banners that read 'With our Wassail bowl' and 'We'll drink to thee'. Holds just over a quart (2 imperial Pints) of Wassail £44.50



Who are we?

White Witch is a wonderful emporium of Pagan and Witchcraft gifts and essentials, established in 1999 by Debbie, they operate from their 500 year old shop in Waltham Abbey, Essex and is staffed by friendly Witches. 

We hold in stock a large range of  Pagan altar figures of the God and Goddess in their many forms, the Green Man, a large selection of Witches' tools, including Witches' cauldrons, Witches' wands, Witches' athames, Witches' robes and cloaks, Witches' Books of Shadows, Witches' spells and magic ingredients and all things witchy and wonderful!

We also have an extensive range of crystals - from large geodes to tumblestones, lots of pagan jewellery, candles, herbs, tarot cards, herbal teas and more.

Our online shop is a digital window into our magickal store and we hope you'll find what you're looking for. If you need any extra help or advice, then please call or visit us instore at Waltham Abbey (Essex) where we will be only too happy to welcome you with a  cup of  tea and a smile.

t: 01992 712 794


Brief History Paganism: 

Paganism represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices.  Paganism is not a traditional religion per se because it does not have any official doctrine, but it does have some common characteristics joining the great variety of traditions. One of the common beliefs is the divine presence in nature and the reverence of the natural order in life. Spiritual growth is related to the cycles of the Earth and great emphasis is placed on ecological concerns. Monotheism is almost universally rejected within Paga

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